
Refereed Journal Articles
Forthcoming: Cooperating Across Time for Uncommon Interests: Provincial Interests, Provincial Loyalties, and Policymaking in ArgentinaPolítica y Gobierno

Forthcoming: “Trade Politics is Local Politics: Subnational Interests and Commercial Policy in ArgentinaRevista de Ciencia Politica

Forthcoming: “Japanese Access to Mexico: The Structure of the Japan-Mexico PTA” México y la Cuenca del Pacifico

2013: “States in the Customs House: Institutional Reforms and Structural Change in Mexican Trade PolicyInternational Studies Quarterly 57: 341-355.

Book Chapters
2012: “Preferential Trade with Little Gravity: The Impact of the Chile-India Partial Scope Agreement”  in Andreas Feldmann, ed. Chile India Dialogue in the Age of Globalization. New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University Press.

2012: “Chile and South Korea, an exceptional relationship? The Chile-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, what has been the effect on free trade?” in Wonjung Min, ed. Corea un acercamiento multidisciplinario. Santiago Chile: Facultad de Historia, Geografía y Ciencia Política, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Other Articles
2011: “Riesgo país no es un solo número: formas de IED e incertidumbre en contextos distintos” Cuadernos De Difusión Del Centro De Estudios Internacionales.(7):21-28.